Hello aviation fans and enthusiasts! This is my new blog about all what concerns aviation, flight simulation, flight/spotting experiences...All about my biggest passion since I was a child!! I will post photos and clips and write about my favourite planes. Hope you'll like it and feel free to comment ;)
So, let's put aside soviet planes for a bit.I want to show you a simulation of a classic plane, probably the most used in flight school for PPL training.
I tried different versions of C-152, but the one from Carenado seems to suite me best. Great graphic, ultra realistic sounds, and what's more important, some excellent flight dynamics. I flew a cessna and I know what flying means.
Of course a simulation will never give you the same feeling of real flying, but this aircraft responds much more realistically to your inputs than any other 152 addon. Very pleasant to fly!
Hello everyone! Here some more photos from Kiev's Museum of Aviation.
It was a hot 1st of May in Kiev, but nothing stopped me to walk some kilometres
to museum.
Tupolev Tu-134A
Tupolev Tu-154. I already posted its photos but I added some more details this time.
Hello, this is going to be my last post about Tu-154 for the moment. I want to show you a great documentary taken inside the cockpit of this wonderful plane on the flight from Moscow to Murmansk, in the deep North of Russia (it's considered the biggest city inside Arctic Circle). Here you can find the first of six parts.
Enjoy it! ;)
Hi guys!! For those of you who want a new challenge and fly this beauty on your sim, I can advice you to install the Project Tupolev Tu-154. Models available: Tu-154B2 and Tu-154M. This add on for flight simulator is freeware, but it's been reviewed by many as one the best most advanced and most complex addons ever created for FS, and I agree 100%!! What I can say is: Read the manual and it would be raccomended to get acknowledged with Russian alphabet, it will help you a lot! It took me a while to study it but what a satisfaction when I made it fly the first time! :) With practice you'll see that it's not that difficult. Remember that the Tupolev 154 has a crew of at least 4 people while on your sim you are alone to get all the work done!! Enjoy it!! ;)
Let me introduce you my favourite plane. Well, for many of you it doesn't need any introductions, but for those who are new to Russian aircrafts...
I'm talking about the great Tupolev-154 (shortly Tu-154, Tу-154 in Russian).
Some quick facts: it's a three-engine medium-range airliner designed and manufactured by Tupolev in the 60's.
It first flew on October 4th 1968 and during years the Tu-154 underwent various changes and improvements: newer and more fuel-efficient engines, western-like avionics etc... Its main variants are the Tu-154B (Ту-154Б) and the Tu-154M (Ту-154М), which is the latest one.
With a cruising speed of over 950 km/h its considered one of the fastest airliners in operation, however its era is coming to an end and currently there are more or less a hundred still in airline service.